Newsgroups beef (was Stock inflaters?)
Mike Easter
2005-10-07 00:58:14 UTC
ng/s expanded to .help and .mail -- f/ups to .help
Thanks for that link - I've not used the forums before - should I use
those rather than posting here?
I suppose you /could/ use the forums instead of the newsgroups. Or,
you could use the spamcop.mail wannabe-dead newsgroup, which would be
/my/ recommendation. Those of us nntp diehards would like to see the
spamcop.mail newsgroup kept alive with these questions by newsgroup
competents. I don't think that a person who is capable of using a
newsreader should have to take hir questions to a webforum which has
all of its problems instead of having your questions answered
competently in the newsgroup instead of being sent to a webforum.
Just to iterate a little history here.

Once upon a time some powers came along and tried to destroy support in
the spamcop.mail newsgroup by removing it from here
http://www.spamcop.net/help.shtml#nntp Newsgroups [spamcop, geeks,
social, spam]

and also from here:

General discussion
Email discussion
Mailhosts system discussion
NNTP (usenet style) Newsgroups

... simply because the/a power didn't like to support newsgroup
questions and wanted to instigate his own notions of webforum support.
It was a shortsighted concept because of lack of full appreciation for
what is bad about a webforum's various 'manifestations' and what is good
about nntp support functions.

The webforum structure is very suboptimal for faq construction in spite
of WazoO's diligent efforts to work with what he has; and extremely
'suboptimal' to 'throw out the baby with the bathwater' in an effort to
satisfy the personal preferences of a single individual about support
concepts. Even if it isn't exactly a single individual.

What needs to happen is that the webforums need to do 'their thing';
plus there needs to be a 'dynamic' faq in some form such as a wiki or
website faq dynamics [as opposed to trying to make a wiki out of a forum
or a webfaq out of a forum]; and most importantly, there needs to be
continuing and ongoing nntp newsgroup support for the various newsgroups
*including* spamcop.mail. It is crazy to try to impair its support by
'hiding it' and by 'ignoring' it as was previously and currently done.

It shouldn't be ignored by administration; it shouldn't be ignored by
the website and forum links; and it *should* be supported by anyone who
is interested in providing support.

Mike Easter
kibitzer, not SC admin