Post by Rick MerrillDon't post spam into discussion groups.
It is best to not post spam anywhere, but instead to post a tracker
for any given item you want to talk about for any given reason. The
tracker is posted as I described to you in .routing.
When I was talking to *** in .routing, I posted an example,
which I'll repost here below.
Post by Rick MerrillOthers (like meself) would like to know what is a "tracker"?
When you put the spam into the parser, the parser will show a tracker
Naturally that assumes that a person handles or can handle their spam by
pasting it into the webparsing interface, which might not be the case if
someone is a spamcop mail client.
This might be a good time to mention that traditionally the various
newsgroups on the spamcop newsserver have been used in the following
ways, altho' the available description isn't satisfactory to me in the
SC faq.
- spamcop and are for discussions. They are not to have
any spams posted in them.
- spamcop.routing is for those who can post a competent discussion of a
suggestion for a routing change to the deputies. Routing change
suggestions should be based on a tracker and should contain an
understanding of where and how the current notify is being derived as
well as the spamcop 'philosophy' of notifies -- so that the suggested
alternative notify bears up under such constraints. The
recommendedation for improving the notify has to convince the deputy
that s/he should make a manual change in routing.
- spamcop.spam is for posting spams only. No discussion of the spams
in .spam. Posting a spam into .spam is far inferior to posting a
tracker, because newgroup posting, unless it is done as an attachment to
the newsgroup message, introduces linewraps which change the spam and
its headers and make experimentation and spamcop parsing more difficult
- spamcop.mail is for a discussion of issues pertaining to spamcop mail
accounts. Currently spamcop.mail is a 'stealth' newsgroup, because all
reference to it on the faq page was removed, and the faq/s say that
people who want to ask questions about mail should or must go to the
forum. However there is still spamcop mail support available in the
- is for discussing non-spamcop related issues more of a
social nature
- spamcop.geeks is for discussing non-spamcop related issues more of a
technical or geeky nature
The issues about the faults of the newsgroup descriptions is another
example of how the faq only gets changed when or how it suits the man
with the faq control, not necessarily what is correct or accurate.
Mike Easter
kibitzer, not SC admin